Bancor Price

$0.8147 -0.031%
Market cap$108,410,641.60
Volume (24h)$2,079,576.81
Highest price (24h)$0.8214
Circulating supply133,171,768.845 BNT

What info is displayed on BNT price chart? 

The Paybis BNT price chart displays the following data:

  • Live BNT price

  • Current Market Cap of BNT

  • 24hr Volume of BNT

  • Highest price of BNT in last 24 hours

  • Circulating supply of BNT

  • Price of BNT in 50+ fiat currencies

Use the Bancor calculator for instant price calculations.

Bancor price today 

Today's Bancor price reflects its role in the evolving DeFi landscape. The Paybis BNT price chart offers real-time data and various functionalities for users to:

  • View current and historical BNT to USD price movements.

  • Compare BNT prices in different fiat currencies.

  • Analyze key market data including market cap and trading volume.

Analyzing Bancor price trends 

Analysis of Bancor price trends offers insights into DeFi market dynamics and Bancor's position within this space. P

Paybis' detailed BNT price chart is crucial for this analysis, providing information on both short-term price changes and long-term market trends. 

However, it's important to understand that cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile, and price predictions are not certain.

What is Bancor? 

Bancor is a blockchain protocol that enables users to convert different types of digital tokens directly and instantly instead of exchanging them on cryptocurrency markets. 

The primary innovation of Bancor is its smart token technology, which uses smart contracts to create liquidity pools that facilitate token trading without the need for a counterparty. 

Bancor's native token, BNT, is used within the platform to perform various transactions. Understanding the Bancor price is key to comprehending its impact on the world of decentralized finance (DeFi).

Who invented BNT? 

Bancor was co-founded by Guy Benartzi, Galia Benartzi, and Eyal Hertzog. The project was initially proposed in 2016 and has since evolved into a cornerstone of the DeFi sector, providing a decentralized platform for token exchange.

How Bancor Works 

Bancor's operation revolves around its unique liquidity network, where users can:

  • Create Liquidity Pools: Users can lock their tokens in smart contracts to create liquidity pools.

  • Direct Token Exchange: Bancor allows the exchange of one token for another without needing a buyer-seller match.

  • Reduced Price Slippage: By using liquidity pools, Bancor reduces the price slippage typically found in traditional exchange models.

  • BNT Token: The Bancor Network Token (BNT) acts as a common medium within the network, facilitating token swaps and liquidity.

  • Continuous Liquidity: Bancor ensures that tokens can be traded at any time, regardless of available buyers or sellers.

How will BNT price change in the future? 

The future price of Bancor's BNT will depend on several factors, including DeFi market growth, regulatory developments, and technological advancements in the Bancor protocol. 

As DeFi continues to gain traction, Bancor’s role as a liquidity provider could significantly impact its token's demand. Nevertheless, investors should continually seek up-to-date information and exercise due diligence, as the cryptocurrency market is known for its unpredictability. 

Regularly checking the Paybis BNT price chart is advisable for current market assessments.


What is the price of 1 Bancor?

Refer to the Paybis BNT price chart for the latest information on the price of 1 Bancor.

Who has the most BNT?

The Bancor Vault is the largest holder of BNT. This can be verified on any blockchain explorer.

How much Bancor is left?

The total supply of Bancor (BNT) is 161,196,921 BNT, with a circulating supply of 134,790,071 BNT. There is no maximum supply limit for BNT, meaning that the total number of BNT tokens that will exist in the future is not capped​.